Thursday, October 11, 2012

Turn-Around Thursday

We all have difficult things we go through, but I firmly believe that life is all about perspective. When I start to wallow in my pity party, I make the decision to turn my attitude around and stay positive.

Here are my turn-arounds this week:

1) My husband has decided that we should do puzzles together. To be more clear, 500 piece Star Wars puzzles.
Turn-around: At least my husband wants to spend time with me. And it could be a 1000 piece Star Wars puzzle

2) My kitchen drains smell and no matter what I do, I can't get the smell away. Thus, my honeymoon period with our new apartment is over.
Turn-around: 40% of the world's population lacks indoor plumbing. I'll take my smelly pipes

3) I got ready yesterday to run errands and when I went outside I realized my husband left me his car but not his keys.
Turn-around: I was able to get some chores around the house done instead, and when he got home from work he didn't say a word when I went to the candle store in the evening.

4) At the candle store, the lady kept showing me the worse scented candles ever! Buttercream!? Red Velvet Cake!? It was so gross my stomach hurt by the time I got home.
Turn-around: At least I will never again feel guilty about being a homebody because there are a lot of homes I don't want to go into if they smell like those candles!

Share your turn-arounds in a comment below:)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed so hard at Number 1.

    This week I was thankful for indoor plumbing too, and washing machines. If a child has a tummy bug in this part of the world- the clean up must be so much easier to manage than elsewhere. Added to which, we have clean drinking water so my children don't get truly terrible tummy bugs that kill children in poorer parts of the world.


I love to fellowship with others and hear what they have to say. I would ask, however, that you be mindful of what you write and try to be uplifting and respectful. Thank you for sharing!