Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ultrasound! And do you think baby will be a boy or a girl?

As evidenced above, we had a 20 week ultrasound done last week and it was just amazing to see our little one moving around and so perfectly formed. My husband was amazed in particular to watch the baby scratching his/her head and yawning.

I wasn't sure if I was going to do a 20 week ultrasound, as I find them mostly unnecessary unless a problem is detected. I am wary of aiming ultrasound waves at a developing baby too often. But with us choosing to have our baby at home, we decided the fewer surprises the better. I am so happy we did the ultrasound in the end. It really put our worries at bay and I got to fall in love with our little one. Every morning since the ultrasound I wake up and spend some time laying in bed and talking to the baby. The ultrasound just really made everything feel so real!

That said, take a look to the right side of the blog and you will see a little green box where you can vote. Will Baby be a boy or a girl? Voting will be open until baby is born, so think long and hard about your answer. As far as old wives-tales go, I am a mix between the genders. I have very clear skin (indication of a boy), yet I am carrying quite high (indication of a girl). Our friends and family are about split in the vote, with slightly more leaning towards boy.

So tell me, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! I am around the same number of weeks as you, the ultrasound is an incredible experience, so Amazing!! I am horrid at guessing gender tho, so no guesses from me. We caved and found out we are expecting a sweet boy!


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