Thursday, May 21, 2020

Big moves and Updates

Hello friends! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying this May with your family. Somehow this whole stay-at-home business feels so much easier and better when the weather is good.

As I sit here with my laptop on the sofa typing right now, my twins, who are both 3.5 years old now,  are playing with their twin baby dolls next to me, my dog is squeaking her favorite new toy at my feet, and birds are singing in the trees outside the window behind me.

So much has happened since I last wrote, to the point where I have sat down several times to write updates, and became overwhelmed with the amount and time it would take!

Here is a quick update, list-style:
-My husband got a new job! After 10 years at his old job and lots and lots of prayer for direction, he got a new job at the end of April in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. It was hard leaving so quickly and without very proper goodbyes due to the virus, but we truly felt God’s hand in this change, which allowed us to have so much peace.

-Our old house in Ohio sold in 45 minutes, despite the pandemic, and it could only have been an answer from the Lord.

-We purchased a new home in Michigan SIGHT UNSEEN (because I am nuts, apparently). I took this photo as we stood outside our new home for the first time just after closing on it. Again, the Lord has been faithful and provided a home that is all I've ever wanted and dreamed of. I cannot wait to make this place "ours", and we hope to stay here for the long haul!

-Victoria will be 6 next month and has about a month or so left of her Kindergarten curriculum. It took a bit longer than expected because of all the travel we had to do for her airway orthodontics + the move, but overall I am so happy with how our year has gone with the curriculum we chose. Speaking of her airway orthodontics, she is nearly done with her treatment, and I have seen a huge difference in her sleeping, attentiveness, and breathing. The doctor warned me her brain would probably go through a huge growth spurt now that it was getting adequate oxygen, and he was right! She has grown SO much this year!

-Charlotte and Analisa are 3.5 year old, and just recently I am feeling like I can let my guard down a bit with them. For so long it has been so hard to do much of anything due to our "twinadoes" running in opposite directions, but just recently I am feeling more comfortable and confident with their listening skills. They can often be found playing in "twin land" together, and it is so fun to see the bond they have together and with Victoria. They are also starting to become my little "helpers", and Charlotte in particular is always asking to help me with just about everything.
Analisa and Charlotte

-Alexander is 16 months and in what I call the "Sprinkly cheese age". This term came from a friend whose son found a 2 pound bag of shredded cheese at this age, and proceeded to drag it around the house, sprinkling cheese everywhere he went. Alexander is BUSY! He climbs, runs, digs, splashes, throws, etc! I feel like I take him off the kitchen table about 40 times per day (Charlotte used to do the same thing) and say the word "no" quite a bit, but he is also starting to talk, giggles all the time, and is the main focus of his sisters' adoration (they thank the Lord for their "Alexander with the sweet smile" every night).

I have missed blogging here, and I plan to do more of it! If you haven't already, join me on Instagram @mycornerofjoy! I will be sharing more frequently

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