Monday, November 14, 2011

Quote of the Week

I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker. -- Voltaire

Sometimes it is difficult to see God's hand in your life. Today was not one of those days for me.

My husband and I have been working through Jim Sammons Financial Freedom Seminar. One of the things we have learned is that God will bless you in the direction you are heading. This has been great to keep in mind as we are working to get out of a huge pile of debt to become "financially free". We are paying our debt down as much as we can every month, but sometimes it feel like we are getting nowhere. It will be difficult enough to get out of this debt much less save up to never get in debt again (i.e. buying a house debt-free). Jim Sammons encourages us to pray for God to help us get out of debt and bless this direction we are traveling in. So we have been praying for his help and provision to get out of debt.

Well, sometimes it is difficult to see God's signs, but not TODAY! I got yesterdays mail and started opening it. Much to my surprise, my husband's work sent us a notice about his annual bonus. We were hoping for an extra little to put towards the debt, but we weren't expecting much. WELL! The bonus was over 3 times what we were thinking would be the max. I couldn't believe how amazing this was. Praise God! Yes indeed, there is a clockmaker for this clock of a universe.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how wonderful! It's always such an encouragement to see the LORD work in our lives, even in the little things. :D Great quote.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!


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